w o r d s

November 27, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

There are moments throughout our days
when there are no words.
Not because there's nothing more to say,
but because there's so much right here with us
that there are not words enough. 
-Brian Andreas

This sweet boy hardly seems real he is so cute. From his amazing locks down to his sweet little toes he is all things pure and snuggly. He was sleeping like an angel when I arrived. And when he woke up he kept his eyes locked on me. His awareness is lightyears beyond what you would expect for a newborn -- entire conversations in his eyes. After some careful attending, he drifted off to sleep again ... only opening his eyes slightly every now and then to keep tabs on the situation. Mom and Dad are equally as peaceful and ready for everything at the same time. So much fun loving on this sweet boy! xo


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