l i s t e n

December 11, 2019  •  1 Comment

There is a voice that doesn't use words. Listen. Rumi

Guess who is ready to be a big brother?! THIS GUY! In all honestly he is ready for like college. He has better understanding of the world, the present, and general conversation than most people I know (Spoiler: Most People = me.) After a quick conversation (yes, I mean conversation! This kid is killing it with the smarts!) we found some fun areas to play in! Little man brought all his smiles and giggles. He LOVES his little brother already, too. When I asked him to see if he could hear his little brother inside momma's belly he very quickly connected his ear and indicated he was talking a lot in there! I cannot wait to see that moment of lifelong friendship beginning for the first time! xo.


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