l o v e + d r e a m s

December 19, 2019  •  1 Comment

A house is made of walls and beams, but a home is made of love and dreams.

This gorgeous family spent over a year looking for the perfect spot to move their sweet family. They had their heart set on Monona (if you have EVER lived in Monona, you understand why, too!) So when this gem popped on the market a second time they made their move. The stars aligned and now they are finally home. In the midst of the first month of moving and reorganizing joys, they invited me over to commemorate their first holiday season in their slice of heaven on earth. The light filled home gave me all the energy - even on a cloudy day ... and the kids too, who had some pretty convincing arguments of just going ahead and opening presents for their shoot! Ice skating is going to be so fun this season with their warm home just a hop, skip and a jump from the water. xo


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