g o o d . a n d . t r u e

August 08, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

They came to sit
& dangle their feet off the edge of the world
& after awhile they forgot everything but the good
& true things they would do someday. - Story People

Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to travel back in time? Well let me tell you a sure way to get that feeling: Go face to face with your friend's kid when they are about the same age as you were when you met your friend. Do you follow? Let me explain, I haven't seen my dear high school friend for years ... she booked this session ... we met at a park ... then her daughter is the first to pop out of the car. I'm over here like ... KRISTEN (friends name)??? Basically, her clone hopped out of the car and greeted me. After my mind wrapped around the concept that this actually was her daughter, we had a great time playing around! These kids are a complete joy. Like it is literally impossible to not have a smile plastered on your face the entire time you are with them. Their smiles, excitement, and genuine positivity were just contagious. So fun to reconnect with this gorgeous family! xo

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