m a r c h

March 12, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

March rolls in like a lion 
with bluster and slam.
And tiptoes out gently 
like a quiet little lamb.

In like a lion and out like a lamb? Well, this gorgeous family was definitely in with the lion weather ... but they brought their own sweet little lamb, too! From a sunny warm day - to a windy cold one - these guys transitioned beautifully. After a year like 2020, our resilience threshold is at like 10000! Lucky for us - big brother was in it to win it with all the smiles - and sweet little lamb of baby girl was there for the snuggles! xo


1P7A9771bw1P7A9771bw 1P7A97871P7A9787 1P7A98251P7A9825 1P7A98531P7A9853 CO2_1991bwCO2_1991bw CO2_1997CO2_1997 CO2_2023CO2_2023 CO2_2029CO2_2029 CO2_2033CO2_2033 CO2_2068CO2_2068 CO2_2081CO2_2081 CO2_2119CO2_2119


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