m o t h e r . n a t u r e

September 24, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

{Mother nature has the best box of crayons.}

So this girl had a whole bunch of smiles to share with me! I don't know whether to take it personally that she was laughing in my face or if she just liked my jokes. Okay - I have to give her Dad credit, she thought I was nice, but when her Dad would get her going, the giggles were endless! Either way - she is adorable. We were lucky to have her grandma in town for some generation shots, too! By the time we got outside little lady was FAR more interested in the cool flowers (okay weeds) around us. She was ignoring us on purpose, and found it amusing when as we were bouncing around like monkeys trying to get her attention. She popped us a couple of sweet looks, totally her style. <3 xo

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