l a u g h t e r . a n d . n o i s e

June 06, 2022  •  1 Comment

There are lives I can imagine without children but none of them have the same laughter & noise. - Story People

There are few things I love more in this world than big brothers! And these two brought their A-Game of energy, sweetness, and just a hint of sass to their session. Big brother knows the drill with the classic smiles and picking up on my jokes with an easy smile. Baby brother ... ahem - Big Brother in Training - took a more authentic route, adding some growls and claws into the mix for good measure. Baby sis is going hit the ground running with these two ready to lead her on all of the adventures!


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Roslyn Dwyer(non-registered)
Beautiful pictures, Claire. Thank you for capturing all the joy & personalities of our daughter, son-in-law and grandsons.
No comments posted.


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